California College Cancels Screen Printing Program
Pasadena, California residents and former Pasadena City College faculty argue that the cut was made in violation of college bylaws

After a vote by college leaders, Pasadena City College (PCC) of Pasadena, California, will no longer offer students a screen printing and computer graphics program.
As reported by Pasadena Star-News, Caltech engineers, local business owners, and former faculty hope the school will reconsider the decision — arguing that the cut was made in violation of college bylaws.
Having been offered at the college for the past 70 years, the graphics technology program was said to attract a variety of students.

“Many of our students are among the groups we often talk about drawing into the college — students of lower-income, students of color, non-traditional thinkers,” retired faculty member Kristin Pilon Cuatt tells the Pasadena Star-News. “The Graphic Communications Program gives these individuals a chance to develop expertise around a process and, in doing so, they begin to develop self-confidence and a sense of mastery.”
PCC leaders, however, maintain the decision was made after a thorough review, in line with Pasadena City College’s established procedures.
“The decision to discontinue the program was made after careful analysis of enrollment, curriculum, staffing, and labor market demand, in a process that brought together faculty, administrators, and students,” states Alex Boekelheide, special assistant to the superintendent and president. “And offered numerous opportunities for input and direction from campus constituency groups.”
Cuatt and other vocal proponents of the printing class disagree with the college’s decision.
“Removing a program of more than 70 years duration from the college record, with such disregard for the students is an embarrassment and a shame,” adds Cuatt. “It may simply be that this career tech program is a better fit in the career tech division. I’m sure we could work something out if we work together and share our ideas.”