
Alphabroder Earns FAM Partner Status with BELLA+CANVAS

Alphabroder earns an 80% Fashion Apparel Masterclass (FAM) certification across its sales team employees from BELLA+CANVAS.


PHILADELPHIA-Alphabroder earns an 80 percent Fashion Apparel Masterclass (FAM) certification across its sales team employees from BELLA+CANVAS. BELLA launched FAM in February 2019 as a tool for professionals in the apparel and promotional goods industry to have “the tools to sell more premium apparel and increase their margins and sales.”

With alphabroder’s certification, BELLA+CANVAS says the company has earned FAM Partner status.

“Alphabroder management embraced FAM early and demonstrated impressive leadership by accelerating their team members through the program,” says Chris Blakeslee, EVP of BELLA+CANVAS.

BELLA+CANVAS describes FAM as an online educational program that “provides solutions to modern challenges sellers face in the promotional industry.” The five-hour course spans industry topics such as commoditization, channel disruption, decoration, storytelling, and upselling.

Dan Pantano, president of alphabroder, contests that the company has already seen “increased selling successes” as a result of the course. “In every regard we want our sales team to be the most capable and knowledgeable in the industry,” Pantano adds.

Currently, BELLA+CANVAS cites more than 2,000 industry professionals enrolled in the FAM program with several hundred certified.

For more information, visit famasterclass.com.

Mike Clark

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