Almo Professional A/V Cancels E4 Experience Santa Clara
California has declared a state of emergency over the novel coronavirus.

Philadelphia-based Almo Professional A/V, a distributor of professional audio and visual equipment, announces the cancellation of its upcoming E4 Experience Santa Clara, scheduled for this Friday, March 13. The company says the cancellation is “due primarily to company-mandated travel restrictions placed on E4 Experience exhibitors and educators.”
According to Melody Craigmyle, vice president of marketing communications for Almo Corp., “Given that California declared a state of emergency over public health concerns about COVID-19 this week, combined with the fact that many of our exhibitors and educators have travel restrictions, we have made the decision to cancel E4 Experience Santa Clara. The health and safety of our staff, exhibitors, educators and attendees is first and foremost and we feel that this decision is in the best interest of everyone at this time.”
To see more information about other scheduled E4 Experience events, click here.