Actively Seek New Clients

Sustain your business profits with new clients.

Our client contacts move, quit, and sometimes there’s just a change of buyers. Our clients change for many reasons, and often we don’t even know why they have stopped buying. This doesn’t mean that you won’t keep clients, because you will. The clients we keep become our base and are important in the sell-ability of our business. However, in order to enjoy growth, we must keep some of the old clients and continue to search for the new ones.

We all need to keep growing our active list of purchasing clients that we can convert to profitability. This word needs to be revisited often to make sure we are maintaining margins that afford us the opportunity to continue to grow. Profit is what sustains our wants and needs as well as those of our employees and presents the opportunity to create new products and services – we must always have enough profit for expansion and growth. If we don’t grow, we will die just like almost anything in the cycle of nature.

-Stephen L. Capper, A-1 Awards

Julia Schroeder

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