Achieve a Cleaner Cut with a Laser Cutting Table

Reduce the chance of burning the backside of the product.

Many laser operators know that a better cut can be found when using a laser cutting table. Laser cutting tables are often known as honeycomb tables due to a grid that resembles a honeycomb. A honeycomb table is typically inserted on top of the existing laser bed, and the laser cutting table is usually made of metal or some type of fire-retardant material. There are many variations of a laser cutting table, but the essential element is that it minimizes contact with the actual product and the laser table.

By minimizing the contact of the product with the underneath laser bed, you reduce the chance of the laser beam reflecting off the table and burning the backside of the product.

-Richard Korbyl, Columbia Awards

Hear about the right table for every laser engraving application here.

Julia Schroeder

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