5 Tips for Creating Bundle Packages

Special occasions or group functions present opportunities to make a little more money without a whole lot of extra effort

Special occasions or group functions such as bachelorette parties, team sports, family trips, and reunions almost always require placing a medium-large order in which most of the items will look the same. That means more products, less design work. It sounds simple, but before you get started, here are a few things to keep in mind…

  • Look at past orders or do your research – create bundle packages and pricing based on achievable and commonly ordered quantities.
  • When creating your selection of shirt or mug styles for the customer to choose from, ensure all styles are affordable and in the same price range. Upcharge for higher priced styles if a customer is set on choosing a style outside of your selection.
  • With bridal parties, one item will more than likely be white (for the bride) while the rest match – ensure you have a white option that matches the styles of the others. If you are looking to really “surprise and delight” your client (as well as the star of the party), offer the bride’s shirt for free or give them a discount on glitter/metallic vinyl to make the bride feel extra special.
  • Sports teams will usually require a different name and number on the back of a shirt for each team member – don’t forget to acknowledge that when quoting team shirts. To make things easier on yourself, create a pricing chart that shows bundle costs for teams of different sizes: 1-5 members, 6-10 members, 11-15 members, 15+, etc.
  • Get some insight about the event from your client – then customize packages by throwing in additional personalized items, such as hats, socks, beverage koozies, bandanas, or other products that make sense for the occasion.

Matt Dixon

Matt Dixon is the former executive editor and content manager of GRAPHICS PRO magazine. Before that he served as editor of Sign & Digital Graphics and Sign Business Magazine.

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