
What You Need From Your Accountant

You deserve a professional dedicated to your company. 

Bookkeeping is the backbone of financial management. It is the recording of every entry into the company’s ledger or checkbook. Much like your spinal column, if your books are not in alignment – that is, balanced – the “body” of your business could be tilted off-center and suffer chronic, nagging pain.

As an invaluable advisor, your accountant should be proactive, rather than awaiting direction from you, in performing his or her services. You deserve to have a professional accountant expressly dedicated to your company who will:

  • Recommend an in-house bookkeeping system that is right for you
  • Prepare a monthly profit-and-loss statement and provide an easy-to-understand interpretation of it so you can monitor your business at a glance
  • Give you a heads-up when your cash-flow starts to turn negative or expenses rise faster than income
  • Return your calls within 24 hours and provide unlimited consultation by phone or at his or her office without additional charge
  • Provide tax planning advice when you decide to procure office and capital equipment such as new computers, a new machine or a delivery van
  • Arrange for a convenient transfer of records and delivery of documents without the hassle of you having to do all the legwork
  • Help you to decide if or when it makes sense to incorporate
  • Take an active interest in learning about the decorated apparel industry and how you market to your customers

Allee Bruce

Alexandria Bruce

Alexandria Bruce is the former managing editor of GRAPHICS PRO magazine.

View all articles by Alexandria Bruce  

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