Films vary in development process, thickness, and adhesion depending on the need of the project. Each of these variables allows users to compete in diverse markets. Photoresist film comes in a range of thicknesses from 2 mil up to 10 mil. The thinner photoresist holds much finer detail, including halftone photo images, and the thicker photoresists allow for increased depth.
For example: With a 10 mil film applied on glass, users can sandcarve over an inch deep. When used on harder substrates like black granite, a 10 mil thick photoresist achieves between 1/4- 1/2″ depth. The variety of thickness and designs allows users to access many types of markets using photoresist film and sandcarving. The primary markets using photoresist are awards and engraving, architectural, monument, signage, donor recognition, promotional, and the wedding industry.
—IKONICS Imaging