
What are some ways businesses can stand out from the crowd?

Give these four simple methods a try:

  • Take a different approach. When you know you are going up against others for the order, go after the sale with a unique angle. Creativity counts when it comes to making yourself different. Show up with interesting colorways, tone-on-tone examples, and even reversed images of dark designs on light backgrounds next to the same design in white-on-dark backgrounds.
  • Find the customer’s why. Customers are not talking to you about ordering decorated apparel because they have no clothes. They are ordering products for a specific reason. It could be a new company, logo,  or a new colorway of an existing logo. The customer might also be approaching you for products for a specific group within the company, to help customers find salespeople easily on the retail floor, for a custom graphic to celebrate 25 years in the industry, or one of an unlimited number of reasons. Your objective is to get them to see their desired outcome by ordering from you.
  • Be prepared for objections. You know what their complaints are likely to be as they are the same ones you’ve heard in dozens of other sales conversations. Work out your answers and become good with delivering them well. Objections will be things like what sizes to order, knowing they are ordering the right products in the right sizes and correct quantities, price, delivery times, quality of the garments, shrinkage, etc. The objections are not rocket science. You can prepare for them well enough, so they don’t have to be a tricky part of the conversation.
  • Be confident. If you come across as hesitant or uncertain, the customer will know it. When you tell them they will meet their objective with your decorated products because the work will be excellent and delivered on time, they can mentally visualize what that looks and feels like, bringing them that much closer to placing the order with you.

jennifer cox

Jennifer Cox

Jennifer Cox is one of the founders and serves as president of the National Network of Embroidery Professionals (NNEP), an organization that supports embroidery and apparel decoration professionals with programs and services designed to increase profitability and production.

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