Mission Statements Matter
Make it your mission to keep your company's mission statement fresh in the minds of your employees.

Your company mission statement is your beginning statement to your employees, as well as to each of your clients.
Do all of your employees know the mission of your company? We give a copy of our mission statement when we do the paperwork for the new employee. I do feel that we need to review this after an employee has been with us and has become more familiar with our company. We have a tendency to forget that not everyone knows our plans for future development, and we need meeting updates to keep all our team with the same focus.
Does your mission statement include how you want your clients to be treated? To me, the most important part of a mission statement is the relationship of the buyer and the seller, and how you intend to service their needs. I prefer using ‘client’ over ‘customer’ when referring to those who have need of our services. The Webster Dictionary states a client is “one leaning on another or dependent on another.” I like that! We certainly need them, and we also need to know all about our clients so that we can meet all of their needs.
-Nora O. Capper, A-1 Awards