
The Best Defense Is a Good Defense: Protecting your business’s reputation

As a business owner, you have the power to take control of your company's online reputation. 

Make sure that you are doing what you have to do to make content about your company as positive as possible.

If after some time, things are not changing and you find that you cannot rid your company of negative online content, then it might be wise to consult with experts. There are a number of companies now whose sole business model involves defending online reputations. Investigate these companies thoroughly. This is an emerging industry business model. Find out what they can and cannot guarantee, and what costs they associate with the guarantees they make before you jump at what they offer.

-Eric Priceman, Victory

Eric Priceman Victory

Eric Priceman

Eric Priceman is president of Victory. In his three decades in the awards and engraving industry, he has traveled extensively, both domestically and internationally, visiting customers and suppliers. He is happy to share his unique perspectives of the industry, both past and present. Please feel free to contact Eric by email at or by phone at 773-637-7777 ext. 228.

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