Begin by developing a geo-demographic profile of your target customers base. Without invading their privacy, start to record as much information about them as possible. Consider gathering this type of information:
- Age and gender
- Marital status
- Address (distance from your business)
- Own or rent a home
- Hobbies/Interests
- Social leanings
- Professional, social, or civic affiliations
- Typical purchase behavior
Also, consider seeking information that describes the personality of the organization for which they are buying:
- How old is the biz?
- What market does it serve?
- What special interest does it support?
- What is their typical buying behavior?
You’ll be amazed when patterns emerge from the profiles of your best customers. Completing this exercise will make prospecting easier. Besides soliciting word-of-mouth referrals and testimonials from your customers, utilize the advertising medium to which they most frequently respond favorably.