
Personalized Scented Candles Create Ambiance

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Candles have been around for centuries and are used for everything from a source of light to adding the final touch of cozy to a living room. A scented candle can create the ambiance you choose for your home or office. 

From glass, colored, and metal containers — and metal and wood lids — candles make a great substrate to personalize.  

Both the lids and sides of the containers can be personalized with a laser. When the sides are done stationary, your laser artwork needs to stay within specific width parameters. On the black colored tins, a 2″ lens will give you about 1″ of laserable area and a 4″ lens will give the most coverage with 1 5/8″. On the glass, a 2″ lens will give you 2 ½” of coverage and a 4″ lens will give you 3″. 

(Image courtesy JDS)

 A wheel-based rotary is ideal for lasering these as you don’t want to ruin the wax inside. Instead of using a clip, allow the weight of the candle to rotate it as it lasers. The tins can run raw with no prep before being placed in your laser. It’s important to deliver a smooth-to-the-touch finish because candle containers are touched more frequently than a typical glass or crystal award. Blazer Orange Laser Mask can help ensure a finish free from the glass shards or fracturing that can occur when lasering glass and crystal. Also known as Orange Blaze, this mask is flexible and repositionable, which works well for the rounded surface. 

An easy way to apply the laser mask Orange Blaze is to cut a 4″ strip from the roll and go with the curve as you gently apply it to the glass container. Use a squeegee to remove air bubbles. Next, remove the carrier sheet. After lasering the candle container, remove the Orange Blaze mask by simply peeling or rubbing it. For finely detailed artwork, use warm running water to wash away the laser mask. 

(Image courtesy JDS)

Laser engraving isn’t the only option when personalizing these candle containers. Sandcarving and UV direct print are also options for the glass jars, or apply an aluminum plate, Laserable Leatherette patch, or cut vinyl to add texture and a pop of color. The Wood lids can also be lasered and then paint filled for color.  

With the choice of tin or glass containers, various colors and scents to choose from, plus several methods of personalization, these candles provide so many unique options for you to offer your customers this holiday gift season! 

(Image courtesy JDS)

JDS Industries

JDS Industries

Family owned, Sioux Falls, South Dakota-based JDS Industries is a leading supplier of component parts for awards, promotional products and gifts, sign supplies and other personalizable products. JDS distributes worldwide from 13 warehouses across the U.S.

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