
Needs Assessment Template for Employee Education Program

Objective: To identify the educational needs of employees to enhance their skills, productivity, and job satisfaction.

Section 1: Employee information



Job title:

Years with the company:

Section 2: Current skill assessment

List your current job responsibilities:

What skills do you feel confident in?

What skills do you think need improvement?

Section 3: Educational interests

Which areas would you like more training or education in? (Check all that apply)

☐ Technical skills (e.g., machinery operation, software)

☐ Creative skills (e.g., design, color theory)

☐ Management skills (e.g., leadership, project management)

☐ Customer service skills

☐ Other (please specify):

What formats of education do you prefer? (Check all that apply)

☐ Online courses

☐ In-house workshops

☐ Seminars/conferences

☐ One-on-one coaching

☐ Other (please specify):

Section 4: Barriers to education

What barriers do you face in accessing education/training? (Check all that apply)

☐ Time constraints

☐ Lack of resources

☐ Accessibility issues

☐ Other (please specify):

Section 5: Feedback & suggestions

What educational topics would benefit your team or department?

Do you have any suggestions for improving the current education/training programs?

Additional comments:

MarshallAtkinson bw

Marshall Atkinson

Atkinson Consulting

Marshall Atkinson lives and works in Mesa, Arizona. He is a frequent contributor to industry magazines and a popular trade show educator. Recognized for his industry education contributions, he was elected to the Academy of Screen and Digital Printing Technologies in 2020.

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