
How long does it typically take to complete a sub-surface engraving job?

The time required is dependent upon numerous factors such as the laser power, the type of information (2-D versus 3-D), and the total amount of information required for the engraving. Long gone are the days with the older 3-D laser marking when a simple job took hours to process. With today’s technology, a 3-D image engraved inside a 4″ X 2″ X 2″ may take as little as 3 1/2 minutes. A 2-D version of similar artwork could be completed in as little as 90 seconds. 

   —Columbia Awards

richard korbyl columbia awards

Richard Korbyl

Columbia Awards

Richard Korbyl manages the family business, Columbia Awards, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He has been involved with the awards industry for over 20 years. If you have questions, contact Richard at 1-780-438-3266.

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