
How can we expect the customized apparel market to change in the coming years?

In the next few years, I think the demand for customization is only going to grow. I believe it could even drastically change how we buy our clothing. I think this will affect the industry and change the humble T-shirt. In a recent talk I heard by Charles Ohiaeri, the CFO of Zazzle, he noted that 67 percent of all of their orders are personalized. Their network makes 250,000 products a day, and that stood out to me.

The fashion world is already seeing major disruption by “fast fashion” where consumers are taking part in the look and design of the garments they want. I think we will also see clothing sizing change. There will no longer be a medium but instead an “Aaron-sized” garment based on a scan. Digital one-pass printing technology is quickly evolving, so the ability and cost to customize will continue to change for the better for consumers.

Apparel decorating companies need to start thinking about how they can help their customers set themselves apart through customization and personalization of products.

Recently, YouTube announced a partnership with Teespring, giving its content creators an avenue to sell shirts to viewers. Those are thousands of “brands” that need a tangible product and something their viewers can connect with. As humans, we have a tactile need to connect. So, until we all become cyborgs, there is a lot of business to be had out there.

—MontCo Consulting

Allee Bruce

Alexandria Bruce

Alexandria Bruce is the former managing editor of GRAPHICS PRO magazine.

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