
How can decorators sell sublimation on social media?

Social media makes for a great place to sell your work as long as decorators position their accounts appropriately and make sure their work is in front of people who will want to buy it.

Consider this: Pinterest is a built-in lookbook and memory aid all in one. Build boards that showcase various events or needs for which you can offer solutions. It could be a sports team, cheer camp, or corporate-themed board.

Consider this: Solve a problem, don’t sell a product. People don’t like to hear the sales pitch. If your social media feed is a constant blare of “BUY ME!” messages, people won’t be interested anymore. Instead, solve a problem. Ask yourself, “What problem can I solve for my customers?” and then post content accordingly. Consider posting in-progress photos, as well as finished products with a caption detailing what the garments were for and who you helped out.

Consider this: Know where your customer is on social media. No business’ customer base is “everyone.”

Consider this: Groups are great places to sell. If you have a hobby or activity you enjoy, consider capitalizing on it. Look for Facebook groups or forums that focus on that interest. Don’t forget to follow the group rules, as there are groups that allow sales and some that don’t.

Consider this: Pictures, pictures, pictures. Social media is visual. It’s worth it to invest in the best options you can afford for taking photos. It’s also worth it to do research online regarding how to take good product photos. This is your chance to showcase your work and increase sales-put your best foot forward.



Kristine Shreve

Kristine is the founder and CEO of Kristine Shreve Consulting which offers writing, marketing and business development services. Kristine is also the creator and host of the Business + Women podcast, where the discussion centers around being a woman business owner. She blogs on her webiste, as well as and On Facebook, Kristine is the founder of the Women in Garment Decoration Facebook group. Kristine was the director of marketing for Ensign Emblem and EnMart from 2006 to April 2020.

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