
Building Your Impressions: Cackling to Build Impressions and Grow-Part Four

Events are a great way to build positive impressions about your business.

franko_sThere’s a little anonymous poem that I use from time to time to help illustrate the importance and value of advertising to boost brand awareness, increase sales, and grow a business. It goes like this:

The codfish lays ten thousand eggs. The homely hen lays one.

The codfish never cackles to tell what she’s done.

And so we scorn the codfish, while the humble hen we prize.

Which only goes to show and prove that indeed it pays to advertise!

You want to build impressions better than your competition? Then build the right kinds of impressions. Have a plan that includes branding and advertising, or cackling. Here are some ideas that come from my experience. Perhaps they will inspire some ideas for your cackling and for your business.


Even better than exhibiting is presenting. Why? As the presenter, you become the expert. But this takes experience and practice to pull it off. It often requires a bit of aggressiveness and assertiveness because you might have to get out and sell yourself in order to land these opportunities. Invitations to present don’t just land in your lap. But once you do one, and do it well, word and reputation travels, thus making the next one easier. Presenting lets you share what you know or want others to know to a captive audience. With enough planning, it can fun and rewarding while bringing new leads to your company.


Hosting an event has a similar effect on growth as presenting but elevates the status of your entire organization up a few more notches. Not only are people attending an event, but it’s your event. Whenever technology was on the verge of significantly impacting the sign and graphics industry, we would proactively put together open events or events by invite where attendees would be entertained, enlightened and educated. We would co host these events with chosen vendors who would expertly show and tell about LEDs, EMCs, substrates, techniques and products. We would then position ourselves as the resources and means of obtaining those things, and we’d make you want those things. Why? Because they built impressions.


To read Part One, click HERE

To read Part Two, click HERE

To read Part Three, click HERE

Scott Franko

Scott Franko

Scott Franko

Scott Franko owned Franko Design Concepts and Consulting. He formerly owned and operated a multi-division sign, graphics and custom fabrication business.

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