
A Word on Vinyl Graphics for Elevators

If you’re looking for a captive audience for your advertising or branding, you can’t get much more focused than an elevator—exterior or interior. The audience may only be exposed to the display for a few seconds at a time, although possibly several times a day, which means it must have an immediate impact. But if you get it right, there’s incredible potential for engagement.

Elevators, or lifts, situated in environments such as airports, hotels, casinos, and convention centers, offer a great opportunity for semi-permanent advertising campaigns or displays. These spaces tend to be used by visitors who may be unfamiliar with the local area, so they are ideal for displays advertising nearby restaurants or tourist attractions. Lifts in offices, colleges, shopping malls, and other places used frequently are prime candidates for graphics designed to be changed often. Ads for events, retail campaigns, and holiday messages can all be switched up to grab people’s attention.

elevator 2The outside of an elevator can have a more significant impact, as people wait for it to arrive. You can incorporate the moving doors into a creative idea, compliment or contrast the color schemes of the building, or use it as wayfinding,

Whether your elevator display is long-term or destined for just a few days, it’s essential to use the right graphics media. For elevator graphics, for example, you’ll need something designed for short-term use and smooth interior surfaces.

You’ll want something that can be installed by someone other than a professional and without the use of any special equipment. Consider something that doesn’t require a squeegee and still allows for a bubble-free application. Whether the display is in place for three months or three days, it needs to offer easy removal with no residual mess. This allows employees to change out graphics when required, putting more control in the hands of local businesses.

Amanda Brown

Amanda Brown is the global marketing manager for Drytac.

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