
How can a business get rid of the “Band Aid” method to problem-solving?

Instead of implementing a hasty solution to a problem or issue that covers up its symptoms but does not necessarily get rid of the problem itself, stand back and ask yourself, “What is the problem we are trying to solve?” It is difficult to solve a problem until you are sure what it actually is. Spend as much time as necessary and bring in as many people as needed to identify it.

Most importantly, never impose a predetermined deadline to come up with a solution. The importance of properly dealing with a problem is far greater than the importance of solving it in a given period of time. Undue haste can lead to non- or misidentification of the problem and ultimately prevent you from solving it.

-Eric Priceman, Victory

Eric Priceman Victory

Eric Priceman

Eric Priceman is president of Victory. In his three decades in the awards and engraving industry, he has traveled extensively, both domestically and internationally, visiting customers and suppliers. He is happy to share his unique perspectives of the industry, both past and present. Please feel free to contact Eric by email at or by phone at 773-637-7777 ext. 228.

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