Advice on Quantity Discounts for Sandcarved Awards
You want to make your customer happy, but where do you draw the line?
Giving discounts on quantities is not the best way to go because you give away money on each award made. It is much better to waive artwork and setup charges for a customer, which means you only give away a specific, one-time amount that will cost you less than if you reduce your price on each item.
Giving discounts for volume can lead you to a point of making no money at all pretty quick, or you will have to inflate your prices from the get-go in order to give discounts and still make money. If you can’t make money with your products, then why bother?
So, if you do 20 awards and you promise a $15 discount on each, you give away $300. But, if you waive the artwork and setup charges that totals, let’s say, $90, then offer that instead. Usually the customer is happy with that, and you did not give away the store, so to speak.
-Ruth Dobbins, Professional Glass Consultants