
Cerebral Signage: Applying Design Thinking to Signs

Be proactive in getting the message out that you're more than just a sign company.

openforbusiness_275x275Design thought is the blending of intelligence and imagination with creativity. Smart design wrapped around intellectual data and concepts can expand and extend a brand beyond the standard or traditional uses of branding. When expressed visually through signs and graphics, I describe them as cerebral signage.

There are plenty of profitable project opportunities to provide cerebral signage. I’ve provided a variety of them throughout my career. One of the first steps to attain an opportunity is to attract one. Marketing and reputation help. Building a portfolio to show past projects helps. Once you complete some projects successfully, word of mouth will tend to bring a next one.

Smart people at smart companies come up with some really smart ideas and they want to work with a smart branding provider. So align yourself smartly. There are plenty of reactive signs and graphics providers around that wait for the phone to ring then respond with a basic sign or graphic.

Be different. Be smart. Be proactive. Design smart and produce smart signs and displays. Be more than just a sign company. Be a branding expert with smart solutions to a variety of needs. Nurture the relationship and in time you’ll be producing all types of cerebral signs and graphics that could include for important meetings and meeting rooms.

The world is becoming smarter and more visual by the day. So whatever you want to call it-smart, intelligent, cerebral-by bringing it into your designs, signs, and graphics, you can grow your business and build impressions.


To read Part One of Scott’s “Cerebral Signage” series, click HERE.

Scott Franko

Scott Franko

Scott Franko

Scott Franko owned Franko Design Concepts and Consulting. He formerly owned and operated a multi-division sign, graphics and custom fabrication business.

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