
Featured Video: Wrapsesh Visits THE NBM SHOW in the Desert

Check out Wrapsesh do some live demos from in the exhibit hall of THE NBM SHOW in Phoenix in early February.

Mesa, Arizona-based Wrapsesh recently paid a visit to THE NBM SHOW‘s first stop of 2019 at the nearby Phoenix Convention Center, and co-owners Jess Bonifacio (aka: “Hangry,” aka “The Vinyl Vixen”) and Michael Shedd (aka “Slim Sheddy”) brought a camera along with them as they made the rounds of the show and showed off their considerable skills. They were kind enough to share their report with WRAPS and we’re pleased to be able to share it with you. (BTW: Hangry and Slim Sheddy say they’ll be at WRAPSCON 2019 Aug. 15-17 in Long Beach, California, and we hope you will be too.

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