DesignNBuy Releases Software Update
The company's web-to-print design software now has added and upgraded features.

DesignNBuy, a provider of web-to-print solutions, released DesignO V 2.1, a significant update to its design and customization platform.
According to the company, this latest version introduces a host of new features designed to enhance flexibility, usability, and integration capabilities for users.
Key features іn DesignO V 2.1:
- Store page updates including offline store functionality
- Enhanced product grid filter:
- Expanded API integration; this includes:
- Product API
- Product category API
- Product by ID API
“These updates demonstrate our commitment tо continually improving the DesignO platform and offering enhanced functionalities and greater flexibility for our users,” said Nidhi Agarwal, CEO at DesignNBuy. “The new features іn DesignO V 2.1 are set tо drive innovation and efficiency іn the web-to-print industry.”
Find more information on the update here.