
MagnaPrint Discharge Ranges Now ZDHC Confidence Level 1

The MagnaPrint discharge ULF and AB AW are now certified to ZDHC Confidence Level 1


MagnaColours, a water-based textile screen-printing inks manufacturer, announces that two of its discharge ranges are now certified to ZDHC Confidence Level 1. This means that under independent testing, they each meet the requirements of ZDHC’s MRSL (Manufacturing Restricted Substances List).

ZDHC aims to remove harmful chemicals from production and the supply chain to protect workers, consumers, and the environment. Through MagnaColours’s efforts, it’s reducing its chemical and environmental footprint, as well as its customers’ impact.

MagnaPrint Discharge AB AW is a conventional ZFS-based discharge system, while MagnaPrint Discharge ULF is a formaldehyde-free discharge system.

“We work hard to remove harmful chemicals and helping printers utilize more environmentally friendly inks,” says the company. “We continue to ensure that our products are safer and better for the environment, printers, and end-users.”

Allee Bruce

Alexandria Bruce

Alexandria Bruce is the former managing editor of GRAPHICS PRO magazine.

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